Floating Docks/Arched Walk-ways

THe strongest and most stable Floating Docks and walkways in the industry.
We don’t mess around. From the heavy duty mounts on the shore to the foam injected floats, our Floating Docks and Arched Walkways are built to last.
Like all of our other products our Floating Docks and Arched Walkways are fully customizable and many Accessories are available.
Floating Docks and Arched Walkways that are 6 feet wide come standard with 4 foot pallets (8 boards per pallet). Any Floating Dock or Arched Walkway wider than 6 feet come standard with 2 foot pallets (4 boards per pallet). 2 foot pallets are optional on 6 foot wide docks.
Like our Lift Docks, the frames are made out of high strength steel and are topped with the same Removable Pressure Treated Decking. Unlike many other materials, steel is the only material that can withstand the test of time even after years of boat wakes and storms.
Our floats are low profile to provide a lower center of gravity, thus reducing the sickening wobble that haunts many other floating docks. No need for noisy chains and heavy anchors. The floats we use are Foam Injected, meaning they are not just a sealed barrel. They are filled with foam so even if the outer shell gets a leak, the dock will stay floating so you don’t have to worry about replacing it until you are ready.
A Floating Dock is only as good as its Walkway. That is why we only offer Arched Walkways. By arching the walkway portion that spans from the shore to the floating dock so it is like a bridge, we are able to reach further without the walkway becoming “bouncy”. Unlike many others, we offer Walkways up to 24 Feet long. This means you can have your dock mounted above your high water level and yet when the water is low, the angle of the walkway isn’t so steep you can’t use it. With us, no matter what the water level, your dock will float perfectly.
Standard Arched Walkway Sizes: 6’x12’, 6’x16’, 6’x20’, 6’x24’, 8’x12’, 8’x16’, 8’x20’, 8’x24’, 10’x12’, 10’x16’, 10’x20’
Standard Floating Dock Sizes: 6’x16’, 6’x20’, 6’x24’, 8’x16’, 8’x20’, 8’x24’, 10’x16’, 10’x20’, 10’x24’
NOTE: Arched Walkway and Floating Dock Widths must be the same.